SNAC Torana Medical Imaging Gateway now supports integration with REDCap!
01 February 2023

We are excited to announce that SNAC Torana Medical Imaging Gateway now supports integration with REDCap! Do you store subject transactional data in REDCap that you would like to automatically link with associated DICOM image/scans? If so, Torana can establish a seamless integrated, workflow for your research or clinical imaging needs.
- Do you want to securely route DICOM images over the internet?
- Do you want to de-identify scans on the fly and auto-route them to a research repository?
- Do you want multithreaded DICOM routing to an analysis server in the cloud or on-premises?
- Do you want analysed or annotated scans re-identified within your network and safely routed back to your PACS?
- Do you want to auto-route images between two different networks?
- Do you want HL7-based PACS-RIS connectivity and messaging?
- Do you want to extract imaging metadata on the fly to auto-populate a local database, or even extract clinical or research data from your database to append new DICOM metadata?
Contact us at Sydney Neuroimaging Analysis Centre if you would like to know more.